Effects of Ozone on the Corona Virus

This is the first question most people ask us when they call ... unfortunately, we don't have an answer;  although clinical trials are underway, with ozone having been identified as a viable candidate behind anti-malaria drugs and an actual vaccine.  However, the results of these trials will not likely be public for a number of months.

That being said, there is a lot that we do know about the SARS-CoV-2 (technical name of the Coronavirus which causes the COVID-19 disease) Virus and based upon this information, the likelyhood of Ozone being effective against COVID-19 is incredibly high.

During the SARS epidemic of 2003, ozone sterilization was successfully used to purify environments infected with the deadly Coronavirus, SARS-CoV-1, the virus which causes the SARS disease and since the structure of the new 2019-nCoV coronavirus is almost identical to that of the SARS coronavirus, it is relatively safe to say that it will also work on the new coronavirus though it must be noted that there is no studies to date except one that is current ongoing n China at the Institute of Virology In Hubei with regards to this.  

So How Does it work?

 Ozone is a naturally occurring gas created from oxygen atoms. The oxygen molecule is made up of 2 oxygen atoms. These oxygen molecules are broken into atoms by the corona discharge during lightning storms or by UV light from the Sun. Single oxygen atoms cannot exist alone without regrouping back into di-atomic oxygen molecules. During this recombination stage some atoms will regroup into loosely bonded tri-atomic oxygen. This new molecule is called Ozone or O3.

 Viruses are small particles made up of crystals; ozone destroys viruses by attacking the nucleic acid core, thus damaging the viral RNA. After destroying these particles, ozone dissipates and leaves breathable oxygen as its only byproduct 


Many viruses require reduced sulfhydryl groups for cell fusion and entry. Corona viruses, including SARS-CoV-2, are rich in cysteine, which residues must be intact for viral activity. Sulfhydryl groups are vulnerable to oxidation. Ozone, having a safe modality may safely exploit this critical vulnerability in many viruses, inclusive of SARS-CoV-2.

There are more than 15 published clinical studies, confirming that Ozone will kill the SARS Coronavirus.

So why not just ozonate humans?

If ozone is inhaled, it reacts with compounds found in the body and can cause harm to the lungs. If a person inhales a small amount of ozone, it can cause side effects, such as coughing, shortness of breath, chest pains, and irritation of the throat. If a person already suffers from respiratory disease, the exposure to ozone can exacerbate the disease or condition, worsening the symptoms to a severe stage. Even in healthy people, breathing in ozone can cause respiratory problems. If someone is performing a physical activity, like exercise, and ozone is inhaled, it is even more likely to cause harm to the respiratory system. It is less challenging to recover from weak exposure to ozone; the longer and stronger the exposure to ozone, the more likely the irreparable damage to the respiratory system.  As a result, if you see any of our team performing ozonation, they will likely be wearing a respirator, safety goggles or a visor and be in disposable coveralls.

If you have any questions or concerns, we would love to hear from you ... please visit our contact us page.
